Thursday, February 19, 2009

Discover Oman 2009

Well, I just got back from an eventful week camping with 23 eighth graders along the northeast coast of Oman and I'm more in love with my job than ever.  Camping with middle schoolers can bring out the best or worst in the students--and Scott, my co-chaperone, and I totally lucked out with our mix of kids and the weather.  

Last year, the weather for Discover Oman was less than optimal, with temperatures in the mid-fifties, raging winds, and daily rainfall.  This is VERY unusual weather for Oman, needless to say, the kids had no idea how to pack for "cold weather" and rain.  In addition, our entire trip consisted of various water activities.  I don't care who you are or where you're from, 55 degrees with crazy wind and rain is NOT fun to swim and snorkel in.  

So this year when the weather report for the week told us that it would be in the 80s during the day and cool off to the 60s at night, we couldn't believe our luck.  We packed up 6 four wheel drive vehicles and headed off for the beach.  The following 4 days were filled with sun, sand, and lots of laughing.  It never ceases to amaze me at how great the kids are at entertaining themselves when you take away their cell phones, ipods, and video games.  At home these kids spend hours everyday in front of the TV either watching shows or playing's so great to get them away from all of that and see how them interact with one another.  For a generation and community of kids in which everything is done for them (household chores, entertainment, often even homework) it was very cool to see that if they are given the opportunity, they are still capable of entertaining themselves.  Contrary to what so many of their parents believe, it ISN'T the end of the world if someone accidentally gets roughed up a bit in a game of Fliers Up in the water...they CAN take care of themselves.  They also are ENTIRELY capable of entertaining themselves without the latest technology.  We simply need to provide these opportunities for our children.

Anyway, we had a blast exploring the coast of Oman, hiking through wadis and playing on the beaches.  So many times over the course of the week I found myself sunbathing on a beautiful beach thinking, Oh my gosh...I can't believe this is called WORK!  I had the most amazing group of kids and a fabulous co-chaperone. 

I love my job...

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